From Saturday, December 5, certain businesses or venues will need to record the name, phone number, date and arrival time of staff, patrons, volunteers and contractors.
Businesses will retain these records only for the purpose of Department of Health COVID-19 contact tracing and will keep the information for 28 days. Businesses can maintain their contact register through booking systems, QR codes, and written contact records. SafeWA is a free app endorsed by the Department of Health to provide businesses with a digital contact register system. Customers that download the free app enter their details once and can then use it at multiple businesses using the State-wide SafeWA QR code system. Data is encrypted at the point of capture, stored securely and only accessible by authorised Department of Health contact tracing personnel, should COVID-19 contact tracing be necessary. Businesses or venues in the creative and leisure sectors required to keep a contact register include:
Read the full media statement here. Comments are closed.
November 2024