New initiatives to enhance the ability for Western Australian's to access parks will be commencing shortly. These initiatives will be implemented by key organisations such as Nature Play WA, Accessible Parks WA and Break the Boundary. Being in nature and the outdoors enhances wellbeing and these initiatives enable inclusivity for all to share this experience, especially with loved ones and the community.
For more information on the media release statement click here The Australian Computer Society (ACS) has released a comprehensive report on computer education in Australian schools, making 55 recommendations on how to improve the teaching of digital literacy and digital technologies. The report found a key issue is the lack of training for teachers, especially in primary schools, and recommends every primary school have at least one teacher with a qualification in teaching digital technologies. The report, Computer education in Australian schools 2022: Enabling the next generation of IT professionals is informed by a national survey of schools performed by ACS in 2021, and focuses on the implementation and uptake of the new Digital Technologies curriculum.
Read about the report Access the report The Carrolup Centre for Truth-Telling, which will provide a permanent home for precious artworks created by children of the Stolen Generation, has received a $1.7m funding boost through Lotterywest.
More than 120 pieces, known as The Herbert Mayer Collection of Carrolup Artwork, were created by Aboriginal children detained at the Carrolup Native Settlement near Katanning before it closed in 1949. The collection spent several decades overseas until a visiting Australian professor recognised the artwork at Colgate University in New York. The university repatriated the artwork back to Australia in 2013 after consulting with local Noongar elders. A new home for the artworks on Curtin University's Bentley campus will be accompanied by associated programs of education and community engagement around Stolen Generations' history and lived experience. Read Minister Buti's full media statement Peak body the Australian Libraries and Information Association (ALIA) have released a report, Greening Libraries, aimed at underpinning the industry's commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The report provides examples of best practice, and advice on building an environmental action toolkit for your library.
The report is the second piece of work to emerge from the Greening Libraries research project commissioned by ALIA with support from the Council of Australian University Libraries (CAUL.) Read the report A new dedicated jobs board and careers website for the hospitality and tourism industry launched.16/5/2022
A new suite of traineeships linked to the ICT Information Communications Technology training package have been gazetted and will appear in the June 2022 Register of Class A and B qualifications (apprenticeship and traineeship list). The ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology has been newly approved for delivery to secondary students, and the below qualifications have been linked to traineeships, including the capacity to be streamed according to the included specialisations as shown:
The State Government has launched a new 'Life Experience' campaign, which aims to encourage Western Australians to develop the skills and confidence they need to successfully participate in the workforce. The campaign highlights the value of life skills and experience in the workplace, while promoting the training, career and employment support that is available through WA's Jobs and Skills Centres.
The targeted campaign to increase participation among people from groups who are under-represented in the WA workforce is part of a series of post-Skills Summit initiatives announced in August 2021 to attract and retain skilled workers in WA. The campaign targets participation in vocational education and training and the WA workforce by women, mature age workers and retirees re-entering the workforce, youth at risk, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from culturally diverse backgrounds and people with disability. |
November 2024