If you're aged 16-17 years and ever wanted to be a surf lifeguard, then this Surf Lifesaving WA program could be your pathway to this role. Surf Lifesaving WA will be running their popular Rookie Lifeguarding program from 9-13 January 2023 with places opening Sunday 20th November. This program is practically orientated and teaches skills directly related to employment as a Lifeguard & other support operation function. To find out more visit the Surf Lifeguard Academy.
Visit the Department of Education website to find out how to become a swimming instructor through their funded program for Year 12 students. Training enables students to become an accredited swimming instructor with a CPR qualification. This will qualify them to work teaching VacSwim in Western Australia this summer. As well as teach Interm Swimming lessons throughout the year. Website includes eligibility criteria and the application form.
High temperatures around 37 and 38 degrees are commonplace in Kununurra across October to December. The regional community leisure centre redevelopment includes a water park to enhance family physical activity options.
This new development centre aims to provide water safety and awareness programs, first aid courses and beach rescue services. It will contribute to the up-skilling of members in Surf Life Saving and rescue volunteer training. More information can be found at the media statement
Restrictions imposed by governments to manage COVID-19 infections have forced many individuals and organisations to consider moving events online. Workforce development events are no exception. The Australian Swim Schools Association (ASSA) reported that its 2020 Annual Conference - held online from Monday 27th to Friday 31st July - succeeded in delivering a program that had been designed to provide the most value to swim schools as well as giving them the opportunity to remain connected.
ASSA General Manager, Emily McNeill advised that with the global pandemic, the Association had not been able to deliver an in-person conference instead running the event in a virtual format over five days, with sessions running three hours per day that included a series of networking and round table discussions. Key areas of focus were Leadership, Product, People, Promotion and Performance, with McNeill stating “we had over 20 incredible industry and non-industry experts deliver these topics who both inspired and engaged. Read more |
September 2024