Arts Matters, launched on 15th February 2021, is the new advocacy platform for the Chamber of Arts and Culture WA representing over 700 organisations and individuals.
In 2018/2019 the creative industries contributed approximately $3.3 billion to the WA economy generating an estimated $175.9 million in exports. However, over the last five years Government investment in the combined arts and sports portfolio was an average of 0.8% of the total general government services, which the Chamber argues is not sufficient to ensure that the sector can survive and thrive: "The impact of COVID-19 on the Western Australian arts and culture sector has been devastating and the road to recovery will be long. The COVID crisis has also brought to the fore, longer term trends and issues that have been impacting the sector. Changes in economy, technology and society have been challenging arts organisations to think closely about how they make work, connect with audiences and run businesses. More people want access to arts and cultural experiences and there are more opportunities to deliver this. But at the same time, government investment in the sector is declining - why? Like other sectors of the economy, government investment should support transformation, innovation and capacity building in order to realise the potential within Western Australia’s creative sector." Visit the Arts Matters website and get involved Comments are closed.
November 2024